Global Pen Pal Program

The Pen Pal Program has been ongoing since EYGC's beginning in 2019. We currently have over 75 students in Kenya that would like to have a pen pal. One could think in this day and age pen pals is no longer a thing, but there are so many benefits to this program. Here is an example of the mutual benefits of the program: 

Spring of 2022 Compassionate Heart Ministries (CH) in Zeeland, MI joined the Pen Pal Program. Our friends at CH are youthful in heart and mind and enjoy writing or dictating letters to their Pen Pals, Kilimo Primary School year 5 classroom. The Kilimo students are also learning about compassion, empathy and new friendships with people who have disabilities. These students are learning and embracing those with disabilities in a country that typically hides or shames disability. Growth for all involved with Pen Pals!!

'23-'24 US School Year students from The Bridge in Zeeland Michigan have partnered up with the students in Kilimo Primary School (Kakamega, Kenya) Year 6 classroom. Once a month they hand write letters to one another sharing about school life, hobbies, who they look up to and what home life looks like for each child on either side of the world. 

Would you like to be a Pen Pal?

EYGC is always looking for students around the world to be pen pals with one another. We do request that participants handwrite letters in English. One of the benefits of this program is working on penmanship and letter skills.

If you or your group would like to be a part of Global Pen Pals please contact us!