Learn more about what we do

Mission Statement

Facilitate education and empowerment of underprivileged children and their families in their communities. We do this by offering financial support and resources, as well as program facilitation. We seek to bring a global perspective to underprivileged children and their families allowing the embracement of global awareness and respectful inclusion. Further, we seek to provide life-enhancing, innovative educational programs that empower youth and their families.

How will we do this?

EYGC has several programs and projects that we currently supporting and some that we would like to implement in the new future. The Projects and Programs currently are based in either Western Kenya or in Western, Michigan. One even connects the two (check out our Pen Pal Program!!).

Our overall goal is to Empower the youth through Education. What this looks like truly depends on the community we are working alongside with. Empowerment in Kenya looks different than in Michigan. EYGC will always work alongside the community it is serving to learn from the community what is needed and wanted. EYGC feels that the community it is serving should also be empowered to lift one another up and that we will work alongside of said community by working together to provide these Programs and Projects that Empower Youth (EY), Connect the youth Globally (GC) or both together (EY&GC)! Please feel free to check them ALL out!

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