Time, financial, prayer... how will you partner with us?

Join Our Team

Together we can be better neighbors around the world. There are many ways to partner with us in our various programs!


We would love to have you on our growing list of volunteers for hosting events, mentoring, managing the library, etc. 


Join our email list

I know, more email... but social media posts get missed. You don't want to miss all the great activities we will be offering! We will also send regular prayer requests and offer times to come together to pray for the community and the world. 

Join Email and/or Prayer List

Join the board

Do you share our vision? We would love to have your voice at our table! Please contact us so we can talk with you more about what that would entail. 

Contact us

Follow us on social media

If each of you shared to five people, imagine how many more people would know about EYGC?! Please follow us on social media. Share our events. Make comments! The comments help with keeping it visible to others so it doesn't get lost in the logarithms. 
